
eRPG is a rules light, world agnostic tabletop roleplaying game where a little imagination goes a long way. It’s designed to be so simple you can play it with little more than this site and a few friends.


eRPG comes with ready-made worlds, games, players, monsters and items to explore.


Join as a Player to access the rules, build your own character, or play one that’s ready-made.


Although Games Masters (GMs) are not players, anyone can be a GM so players can access everything that a GM can. That means anyone can build, borrow and share players, NPCs, monsters, worlds and games.


At the heart of eRPG lies eXP, which is a mixture of experience points, hit points, stress, energy and money.


eXP is spent on your stats, gear, skills, plot points, and every action you undertake. If you run out of eXP then… it’s game over.


What’s more, every item, weapon, talent, flaw, spell, combo, vehicle and companion has eXP.


Actions are resolved with dice pools. These are built by choosing two of your most relevant stats and rolling a bunch of dice to determine how successful you are.


You have 15 stats, which are divided into three categories. The categories determine the type of dice you roll and the stats determine how many. These all come together to create your dice pool.


Your successes chip away at the task’s Challenge Clock until you are successful (or not).


And… that’s pretty much it. Meaning you can focus your attention on playing the game, rather than constantly deep diving into the rules.